We are excited to inform you that C-3 Ministry is becoming
The ReAligned Life!

What this means for us:
We are in the process of rebranding which means we are changing things here on the website and doing a whole bunch of other stuff behind the scenes in preparation to share the new branding with you.

What this means for you:
Our new domain will be so save that in your notes. Other than that, we just ask for your grace and patience as we make changes to the website. There might be some “under construction” signs, some “oopsies” that we didn’t catch, and the navigation may look a little different. All-in-all this website will still be here for a little while longer and we’ll keep you informed before it goes away.

C-3 Ministry

Better together.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4:12


Relationship Coaching, Prayer Ministry


Women Events, Coaching, Resources


Resources for Men