FOLLOWING IN FAITH/I Hope You Dance Series

“We live by faith, not by sight.”

2 Corinthians 5:7

Reassured and Recharged

I like to lead. I learned to swing dance in my kitchen with my mom when I was a little girl. We would often twirl and giggle between setting the table and waiting for the oven timer to go off. She was a great teacher and she made it fun. I have taught many people to swing dance throughout my life. My husband and my children to name a few. However, I struggle to allow others in my life to truly take the lead role of the dance. I don’t want to slow down and allow them time to learn and grow; I want to dance and keep up with the music! There’s nothing like a big band blaring in the background that makes my heartbeat flutter a little faster. 

woman in green long sleeve dress holding white flower bouquet
Who are you following?

Alas, in order to be a good leader, I also must know how to follow. I am also learning that the people in my life need to be given the chance to lead. Back to God I go to learn how to slow down, realign my expectations and desires to keep time with Him… not my own quick beat. Some days I feel the flow of the quick paced swing dance and other days a slower two-step.

It only takes me a short time to realize I am out of synch when I am doing the Electric Slide and my kids are dancing the Floss or the Hammer. Sometimes it is helpful to step back and allow my people to practice what God is teaching them and not get frustrated with them (or myself) in the process. I can learn their new dance patterns if I take time to slow down, watch, giggle and practice. Have you ever seen an old woman doing the hammer? It’s pretty awesome! 

When my spouse comes home and wants to slow dance in the kitchen after a long day, and all I want to do is lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling, I need to be willing to accept the invitation. I need to do the same when God wants to invite me to dance, change the dance steps or even the song. 

Don’t resist the invitation. Follow in faith and learn that He has more for us; He wants to be close and for us to lean into Him. He desires to sing gently in our ear as we learn to get in synch with Him as He gently leads us across the floor. 

You are invited…again. Come. It is worth it.

Are there areas you feel God is asking you to follow and relinquish the lead? 

Are there people in your life that you need to allow the opportunity to lead while you learn to follow the King? 

God is a God of opportunity. He wants us to continue to learn as we go. Where do you feel God is allowing you to grow in your life right now? 

God thank You for being the perfect dance partner. Continue to teach us to follow You and to allow You to lead as we accept the invitation to dance with You again today. 

We would love for you to connect with us! Have questions, comments or want to dive deeper into the dance with us? Connect with us on Facebook. Be sure to check out this week’s song: Life’s a Dance by John Michael Montgomery . Click here to read more of the I Hope You Dance Series.